Hey what's going on, I'm finally back ready to start, so let's do this! I'll just hit all of the main points and then go into the most important details later. •We had 2 baptisms •our new mission president gave us some awesome changes •got talked to a drunk guy that REALLY wanted to play basketball but he looked like he was about to fall over • A crazy lady that showed up to church with a burnt book of mormon and bible, and she was dancing, singing, and throwing stuff during church and on top of that she would speak to you in guarani, spanish and portuguese. AAAAANNND she wanted a picture with me so i got a picture with her (picture below) •we are supposed to work on facebook for 20 minutes a day from now on and we have to find people. The cool thing is the two baptisms we have had were from online work from other elders that sent us the reference. How incredible is that! •Im getting way better at speaking spanish and I can usually teach a ...